N-COUNT (尤以编织或陶器等为主的)家庭手工业,作坊式小工业 A cottage industry is a small business that is run from someone's home, especially one that involves a craft such as knitting or pottery.
Bookbinding is largely a cottage industry. 装订业主要是一种家庭手工业。
Bookbinding is largely a cottage industry. 装订业主要是一种家庭手工业。
Hedge fund administration is part of a burgeoning cottage industry that attempts to make funds more transparent to investors. 对冲基金行政管理服务是一个正在蓬勃发展的作坊式行业的组成部分,目的是增加基金对投资者的透明度。
Flag sales are not a road corner cottage industry. 街角也有出售国旗的摊子。
The industrial sector is technologically backward, with most production of the cottage industry type. 工业部门的技术含量很低,很多产品都出自家庭式的手工作坊。
Finding animals that engage in the human activity of tool use has become a bit of a cottage industry. 查找参与使用工具的人类活动的动物已经变得有点属于家庭手工业的范畴了。Bing的结果:查找从事的工具使用的人类活动的动物已成为一间小屋工业一点。
Espensen's father ran a cottage industry making model planes, and when she was a student she reluctantly helped out, packing the kits and posting them out. 埃斯佩森的爸爸管理着制作飞机模型的家庭手工业。当她还是学生的时候,她很勉强地帮忙,打包装备,再邮寄出去。
But its soundtrack centerpiece Let It Go, which also won an Academy Award for Best Original Song, appears to have started its own cottage industry. 而《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲LetitGo也获得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖,如今这首歌曲似乎也开启了自己的产业。
The international demand for more shows has given rise to a cottage industry in Israel dedicated to creating television concepts for export. 国际上对更多节目的需求促使以色列出现了一个致力于创作出口电视节目的行业。
As such, a cottage industry of inspirational business advice has sprouted online, full of aphorisms that combine self-help and tough love. 正因为如此,一个致力于提供励志商业建议的作坊式产业已经在网上破土而出,它充满了集自助和严厉之爱于一身的格言警句。
'I feel that same energy here that was about back then,' he explained. 'It's not a big corporate culture, mainly a cottage industry.' 如今在这里我感觉到和当年一样的活力,他解释道,这并不是一种大企业文化,它关乎的是小企业小作坊。
Cat Videos Are a Cottage Industry 猫咪视频成了家庭工业
As a result, a cottage industry has appeared that churns out thick volumes that have nothing between the covers, perfect for decoration. Yes, people do read in China to enrich their bank accounts, but not to enrich themselves holistically. 所以,制作砖头书的家庭手工业出现了,砖头书只有封面,没有内容,最合适装饰。是的,中国人会通过读书来使银行账户充实,但是却没有让自己全面地丰盈起来。
Then, in cottage industry fashion, the individual parts are delivered to small communities where the puzzles are assembled on a per-piece compensation basis by family groups working in their homes. 然后,以一种类似于手工作坊的形式,各种零件集中到一个小社区进行组装。组装是由计件付酬方式由一些家庭在他们家里面完成的。
Develop a new cottage industry. 逐渐形成新的家庭手工业。
A veritable cottage industry of comparison-spewing institutions has emerged, this author not excepted. 一个名副其实的由从事比较的机构组成的作坊式行业已然成形,笔者也不能袖手其外。
From them they run their cottage industry, growing seaweed on monofilament lines strung over shallow coral reefs and selling it for use in canned pet food. 之后他们在这样的房子里运作起养殖业,在浅浅的珊瑚礁上拉起长串的单丝线来养殖海藻,然后卖掉它们,这些海藻可用来制作罐头宠物食品。
She is beginning a cottage industry with her handmade necklaces. 她正以自己手工制作的项链来开启自己的家庭手工生意。
Industries are well developed at the village and cottage industry levels in most Asian countries where mangroves still abound. 在亚洲红树林资源依然丰富的地方,村庄工业发达。
The cottage industry of Fed-watchers will pick two things in particular out of this book, one of which is not even really the province of central bankers. 美联储观察人士会从这本著作里挑出两件事,其中一件甚至并不属于央行行长的管辖范围。
Today's cottage industry of China doubters is a case in point. 对中国当今家庭手工业持怀疑态度的人就是一个典型的例子。
Economic relations between the US and China have become so mutually dependent and potentially destructive that a cottage industry has built up to give them a name. 美国与中国之间的经济关系已变得如此相互依赖和极具潜在破坏性,以至于一个小行业应运而生,竞相为这一关系取名。
Here at Hotan, on the ancient Silk Road, silk weaving is still a cottage industry, done the old-fashioned way on wooden looms. 和稹就位于古老的丝路上,纺丝仍是一项家庭工业,用木制的织布机,以古老的方法纺织。
In this fluid situation, one thing is predictable: The crisis will produce a cottage industry of academics, journalists, pundits, politicians and bloggers to assess blame. 在这种变幻莫测的形势下,有一样事情是可以预计到的:这次危机会产生学者,记者,专家,政客以及博客撰写人评估指责这样一种“家庭手工业”。
Such is the power of music over consumer behaviour, claim the advertising executives, academics, music consultants and market researchers who are all part of a cottage industry springing up around retailers using music to attract and keep clientele. 这就是广告主管、学者、音乐咨询师以及市场研究人员宣称的音乐对消费者行为的影响力他们都是新涌现出来的针对零售商利用音乐吸引和留住顾客的小行业中的一员。
As service technology matures and more players partake of the market we can expect a rich cottage industry for services to develop with offering available to build most any application imaginable. 随着技术的成熟,以及更多参与者进入市场,我们可以预期会出现大量的服务作坊,绝大多数可以想象出来的应用都可以使用它们提供的服务来完成。
But is there science to back up this idea, which has brought about a cottage industry of books, CDs and videos? 这个观点催生了一大批粗制滥造的书籍、CD和视频节目,但它是否有科学依据呢?
Such fakes have become a cottage industry in China. 盗版产业在中国,正成为家庭作坊。
Porcelain and pottery making as a cottage industry is scattered all over China. 陶瓷制造作为乡村手工业遍及全国。
The first part primarily illustrates the analysing for the history origin about agriculture socialism, namely, small agriculture combined with cottage industry is occupying the main position in the whole social economy over a long period of time. 第一部分主要是阐述党对农业社会主义产生历史渊源的分析,即小农业和家庭手工业相结合的自给自足的自然经济在整个社会经济中长期占主要地位。
Township-village enterprises broke through the form of collective ownership of Commune-brigade enterprises, formal inclusion of cottage industry development. 乡镇企业突破了社队企业的集体所有制形式,正式将家庭工业列入发展范畴。